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Sustainability Now

Walking with you toward your sustainability goals

The Case for Grey Water: The Value of Capturing Run-off Water for Reuse

Water exists in the air as water vapor, in rivers and lakes, in icecaps and glaciers, in the ground as soil moisture and aquifers, and even in you. About 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered in water, with the oceans holding about 96.5 percent of it. While water is everywhere and in everything, … Continued

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Why The Details Matter in Your Net Zero Efforts

Countless organization’s are realizing the benefits of net zero, but achieving net zero status doesnt just require a few simple steps or lump sum investment. Okapi can assist in forging a trail towards net zeo.

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CPR For Your Environment, Social, And Governance Initiatives

All plans start with the best of intentions, but when the train has jumped the tracks, it’s not time for a conductor, it’s time for ESG emergency responders.

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Why do Most ESG efforts Fail?

There are predictable reasons why sustainability efforts fail where your wheelhouse efforts succeed. Knowing what you’re up against will help prevent missteps.

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