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Sustainability Now

Walking with you toward your sustainability goals

Are Your Sustainability Efforts Sustainable?

Profitability and return on investment matter in sustainability too. When the right values drive the shift, profits appear in unforeseen ways.

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Secrets To ESG Success

Simply, the process requires revision and feedback multiple times, until perfect practice makes perfect players.

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A Guide To Developing A Corporate Sustainability Program

Like an open highway, the first unplanned turn can take you off course; you need a GPS for your sustainability initiatives

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The Importance Of Costs And Benefits Analysis Of Sustainability Programs For Corporations

Sustainability likely was not taught in your MBA program; the language and concepts were nebulous, but Okapi is developing a vernacular and system of measures to establish and guide your success.

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CPR For Your Environment, Social, And Governance Initiatives

All plans start with the best of intentions, but when the train has jumped the tracks, it’s not time for a conductor, it’s time for ESG emergency responders.

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What Is A Green Corporate Culture?

Shifting culture and behavior is harder than shifting policy, and your ESG program needs both. Without the right motivation your efforts may flounder with those who walk them out.

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